Character Bio's
Charaters Deck
Episode Synopsis
Complete Episode Guide
Millenium Items
Music Lyrics
Season 1
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Video's & DVD's
 Hello! And welcome to my yu-gi-oh site! I have long played this game and have loved collecting all of it's cards.
I have all of the sets near complete. This awesome game has taken me away from Magic:the gathering, and has me so addicted.
This game, and the cartoon have taken me by storm. There has not been a game since Magic: the Gathering that has caught my attenion
such as this one. I have long been into anime, and I think that this is what has made me love this game so very much. I play yu-gi-oh!
with my little cousin when he comes down. I put the following pages up, just for my pleasure, but I hope that you can get something out of them.
I have scoured the web for info about this game, and the pages that follow are the best of the best of what I've found. Happy wandering! Laters! - samhain_13