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Name: Yugi Moto
Title: King of Games
Duelist Kingdom Ranking: 1st
Battle City Ranking: 1st
Cards first used against Seto Kaiba ("The Heart of the Cards")
Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1
| 1400/1200
Gaia, the Fierce Knight
| 2300/2100
Swords of Revealing Light
| Magic
| Counting from your opponent's turn, none of your opponent's monsters can attack for 3 turns of his/her own. When this card is activated, opponent's face-down monsters at that time are turned face-up, but remain in Defence Position. Any effects the monsters may have are immediately activated.
Dark Magician
| 2500/2100
Right Arm of the Forbidden One
| 0200/0300
Left Arm of the Forbidden One
| 0200/0300
Right Leg of the Forbidden One
| 0200/0300
Left Leg of the Forbidden One
| 0200/0300
Exodia the Forbidden One
| 1000/1000
| An automatic victory can be declared by the player whose hand contains this card together with the Left Leg, Right Leg, Left Arm and Right Arm of the Forbidden One.
Cards first used against Maximillion Pegasus ("The Gauntlet is Thrown")
Koumori Dragon
| 1500/1200
Silver Fang
| 1200/0800
Zombie Warrior
| 1200/0900
Celtic Guardian
| 1400/1200
Summoned Skull
| 2500/1200
Cards first used against Weevil Underwood ("Into the Hornet's Nest / The Ultimate Great Moth")
Mammoth Graveyard
| 1200/0800
Feral Imp
| 1300/1400
Horn of the Unicorn
| Magic
| A monster equipped with this card increases its ATK and DEF by 700 points. When this card is sent from the field to the Graveyard, it returns to the top of your deck.
Mirror Force
| Trap
| When an opponent's monster attacks, negate the attack and destroy all opponent's monsters in Attack Position.
Monster Recovery
| Magic
| Return all monsters under your control to the deck
| 0300/0200
| Self-destructs on contact with an enemy monster
Beaver Warrior
| 1200/1500
Curse of Dragon
| 2000/1500
Burning Land
| Magic
| Destroy all Field Magic Cards on the field.
| Magic
| Fuse 2 or more Fusion-Material monsters to form a new Fusion Monster
Gaia, the Dragon Champion
| 2600/2100
| "Gaia the Fierce Knight" + "Curse of Dragon"
Makiou the Magical Mist
| Magic
| Destroy all face-up Magic and Trap cards on the field. You may also negate one enemy attack when this card is activated
| |
Cards first used against Mako Tsunami ("Attack From the Deep")
Horn Imp
| 1300/1000
Mystical Moon
| Magic
| A Beast-Type monster equipped with this card increases its ATK and DEF by 300 points.
Giant Soldier of Stone
| 1300/2000
Cards first used against 'Seto Kaiba' ("Duel With a Ghoul / Give Up the Ghost")
Magical Hats
| Magic
| Conceal up to four cards from your opponent so that they do not know which of each of four hats conceals each of the four cards. Your opponents monsters treat all four hats as monsters that they are able to attack however if the hat that is attacked does not conceal a monster, the card which is beneath the hat is activated instead (if the hat concealed a card). Once each hat has been destroyed, that one can not return to the field for the remainder of this card's activation.
Spellbinding Circle
| Trap
| Select a monster. Reduce the selected monster's ATK by 700 points. As long as this card remains face-up on the field, the selected monster cannot attack or change its battle position except by the effect of a Magic, Trap, or Effect Monster card. When the selected monster is destroyed, this card is also destroyed.
Mystical Elf
| 0800/2000
Book of Secret Arts
| Magic
| A Spellcaster-Type monster equipped with this card increases its ATK and DEF by 300 points.
Monster Reborn
| Magic
| Select one Monster Card from either your opponent's or your own graveyard and place it on the field under your control in Attack or Defence Position (face-up). This is considered a Special Summon.
Cards first used against Yami Bakura ("Evil Spirit of the Ring")
Cyber Commander
| 0750/0750
Flame Swordsman
| 1800/1600
Magician of Faith
| 0300/0400
| FLIP: Select one Magic Card from your Graveyard and return it to your hand.
Horn of Heaven
| Trap
| Offer one of your own monsters on the field as a Tribute to negate the summon (including Special Summon) of a monster and destroy it.
Cards first used against Panik ("Panik Attack")
Catapult Turtle
| 1000/2000
| Can use another monster as a missile to destroy any impenetrable barrier
Cards first used against the Paradox Brothers ("Double Trouble Duel")
Mystic Box
| Magic
| Switch the position of one of your monsters with that of an opponent's
Black Skull Dragon
| 3200/2500
| "Summoned Skull" + "Red-Eyes Black Dragon"
Monster Replace
| Magic
| Switch the positions of two of your monsters on the field
Cards first used against Seto Kaiba ("Face Off")
Eye of Truth
| Magic
| Reveal your opponent's hand
| 1200/1500
| Magic
| Multiply the number of Kuriboh on the field to create an defensive barrier
Living Arrow
| Magic
| Use an opponent's card as a target for a Magic or Trap Card
Cards first used against Mai Valentine ("Duel Identity")
Brain Control
| Magic
| Take control of an enemy monster until the end of your turn
Black Luster Ritual
| Magic
| This card is used to Ritual Summon "Black Luster Soldier". You must also offer monsters whose total Level Stars equal 8 or more from the field or your hand as a Tribute.
Black Luster Soldier
| 3000/2500
| This monster can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Magic Card "Black Luster Ritual". You must also offer monsters whose total Level Stars equal 8 or more from the field or your hand as a Tribute.
Cards first used against Joey Wheeler ("Best of Friends, Best of Duels")
Dark Sage
| 2800/3200
| When you activate the effect of "Time Wizard" and call it right, you can summon this card from either your hand or your Deck by offering one "Dark Magician" as a Tribute. Then move one Magic Card from your Deck to your hand and shuffle your Deck.
Cards first used against Maximillion Pegasus ("Yugi Vs. Pegasus - Match of the Millennium")
Dark Magic Ritual
| Magic
| This card is used to Ritual Summon "Magician of Black Chaos". You must also offer monsters whose total Level Stars equal 8 or more from the field or your hand as a Tribute.
Magician of Black Chaos
| 2800/2600
| This monster can only be Ritual Summoned with the Ritual Magic Card "Dark Magic Ritual". You must also offer monsters whose total Level Stars equal 8 or more from the field or your hand as a Tribute.
Cards first used against Rebecca Hawkins ("The Wrath of Rebecca / The Ties of Friendship")
Soul Release
| Magic
| Select up to five cards from either your or your opponent's Graveyard and remove them from the current duel.
Cards first used in the Virtual World ("Legendary Heroes")
| 0800/0900
Dark Hole
| Magic
| Destroy all monsters on the field
Dragon Master Knight
| 5000/4000
| "Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon" + "Black Lustre Soldier"
Dungeon Dice Monsters
Mighty Mage
| 30 20 50
Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress #1
| 10 10 10
| 10 10 30
| 3 Magic Crests: Rolling Crush
Knight of Twin Swords
| 20 10 30
| Can attack more than once per turn using its Twin Swords
Strike Ninja
| ? ? ?
| Can move 3 spaces for every movement crest
Warp Vortex
| Item
| Monsters can pass between two vortexes
Dark Magician
| 40 ? ?
| Magical Hats Mystic Box
Cards first used against the Rare Hunter ("Yugi Vs. the Rare Hunter")
Beta the Magnet Warrior
| 1700/1600
Light of Intervention
| Magic
| Monster Cards cannot be played face-down. Monsters Set in Defence Position are played face-up on the field and are considered summoned.
| 1400/1800
Gazelle, King of Mythical Beasts
| 1500/1200
Chimera the Flying Beast
| 2100/1800
| "Gazelle, King of Mythical Beasts" + "Berfomet"
Time Seal
| Trap
| Your opponent skips the Draw Phase of his/her next turn
Lightforce Sword
| Trap
| Select one card at random from your opponent's hand. Keep it face-down and place it outside of the field. During your opponent's fourth turn, the card is returned to his/her hand in the Standby Phase.
Alpha the Magnet Warrior
| 1400/1700
Chain Destruction
| Trap
| You can activate this card when a monster with an ATK of 2000 points or less is summoned (including Special Summon). This monster is not destroyed, but all Monster Cards of the same name in the summoning player's hand and Deck are destroyed. The summoning player's Deck is then shuffled.
Dust Tornado
| Magic
| Destroy one Magic or Trap Card on your opponent's side of the field. You can then Set one Magic or Trap Card from your hand. This card can only be activated if it is a Quick-Play Magic Card.
Cards first used against Arkana ("The Master of Magicians")
Card Destruction
| Magic
| Both players must discard their entire hands and draw the same number of cards that they discarded from their respective decks.
| Magic
| Destroy one Magic Card on the field. If this card's target is face-down, flip it face-up. If the card is a Magic Card it is destroyed. If not, it is returned to its face-down position. The flipped card is not activated.
Fairy's Hand Mirror
| Trap
| Whenever one of your opponent's Magic Cards targets one of your monsters, you may make the target another monster of your choice.
Big Shield Gardna
| 0100/2600
Dark Magician Girl
| 2000/1700
| ATK increases by 300 for each Dark Magician in the graveyards
Cards first used against Strings ("Mime Control")
| Magic
| Return one Fusion Monster Card on the field to the Fusion Deck. In addition, if all the Fusion-Material monsters for the returned Fusion Monster Card are in the Graveyard, Special Summon them all to the field in face-up Attack or Defence Position under the control of the player whose Graveyard(s) they were in.
Buster Blader
| 2600/2300
| The ATK of this card increases by 500 points for every Dragon-Type monster on your opponent's side of the field and Graveyard.
Magic Cylinder
| Trap
| Negate the attack of one of your opponent's monsters and inflict Direct Damage equal to the attacking monster's ATK to your opponent's Life Points.
Cards first used against Umbra and Lumis ("Tag Team Duel")
Gamma the Magnet Warrior
| 1500/1800
Valkyrion the Magna Warrior
| 3500/3850
| You may Special Summon this card by offering "Alpha The Magnet Warrior", "Beta The Magnet Warrior", and "Gamma The Magnet Warrior" from your hand or the field as a Tribute. If "Alpha The Magnet Warrior", "Beta The Magnet Warrior", and "Gamma The Magnet Warrior" are in the Graveyard, you can offer this card as a Tribute to Special Summon these 3 cards to the field.
| Magic
| Return one Fusion Monster Card or one Effect Monster Card who was Special Summoned by tributing other monsters to their original location (Fusion Deck or Deck). In addition, if all of the monsters used to summon that card are in the Graveyard, you can Special Summon them all to the field in face-up Attack or Defence Position.