Darkness of the Kaiba Family (1)


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Episode Number119

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Noah's life points drop to zero, and he falls to the ground, realizing that not only did he not defeat Yugi, he didn't really defeat Seto either, as Yugi took on Seto's will when he challenged Noah. Seto lost to save Mokuba.

Everyone is restored, and Seto and Mokuba embrace each other. Tea and Duke then inform Seto of what happened; how Yugi took over and beat Noah with Seto's deck.

Noah is angry at this, and tries to take over Yami's body, but the shocking scenes in Egypt Noah sees in Yami's deep memory, and the Millennium Puzzle protecting Yami, prevents him from doing so. Yami, on the other hand, sees images of the VR pods where he and everyone else's bodies are.

Noah demands to know who Yami really is, but Yami doesn't get a chance to answer, as Gozaboro Kaiba appears at that moment. No one is too happy to see him, except Noah who is quite please...until Gozaboro tells Noah that he has failed, and that he has no use for Noah anymore.

Then he explains how he only adopted Seto to be used as a body for Noah. Seto finds this very shocking, that not only was he just adopted to be used, but it wasn't even due to his intelligance.
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