Keith's Machinations (2)


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Episode Information
Episode Number32
First AiredSeptember 7, 2002

Average Rating:9.86
Number of Votes Cast:7 
Episode Rank:42 
With Joey in the lead, Keith gets really angry and sends out the mighty Barrel Dragon who annihilates Joey's Axe Raider and Gerusies. Joey tries his Time Wizard and Baby Dragon combo, and it worked! But Keith used his trap card Time Machine to bring back the Barrel Dragon at full power. Joey plays Red Eyes Black Dragon and uses his Copycat card to get the Magic Metal Force and activate it, creating the Red Eyes Metal Black Dragon! He destroys the Barrel Dragon, but Keith plays his Slot Machine in defence and uses the Seven Completed to power up it's defence to 3000. Then he slips another out from his wrist band and plays it to raise the Slot Machine's attack. But as it attacks Joey plays his Dragon Nails, powering up his Dragon to 3400. But Keith cheats yet again and uses his last Seven Completed to raise the Slot Machine's attack to 3400. Then Keith steals Joey's Shield and Sword using his Pilager card. He activates it, making his Slot Machine's attack 3000 and the Red Eyes Metal Black Dragon's 2400. But as the dragon dies, Joey uses his Grave Robber to get the Time Machine and revive his dragon with an attack of 3400. It destroys Keith's monster and his Life Points. Keith accuses Joey of cheating, but Pegasus claims to have known that Keith stole Joey's entry card and cheated with his Seven Completed cards. Keith is dragged away, but breaks free and threatens Pegasus. Pegasus activates a trap door and Keith is tossed out of the castle into the sea below. Now Joey and Yugi must duel to see who battles Pegasus.
(After Keith threatens Pegasus)
Pegasus: Just give me a moment to recover from the paralyzing terror your demands have created in me.
Keith: Okay, wise guy, you've got until the count of three!
(Pegasus shrugs)
Pegasus: Fine, onetwothree.
(presses a button with his foot)
(Keith falls)

Joey: Oooohhhhh! The intercontinental champion. I can win a better prize then that in a box of cereal

That quote was in Part One, not Two.

Goofs and Nitpicks
  • When Joey transforms his Baby Dragon into the Thousand Dragon its DEF is 2500 when it should have been 2000.
  • Joey was able to put the baby dragon down and then the time wizard in the magic/trap zone, for one thing the time wizard is a monster card, not a magic card, and if he could do that then why didn't he do that inhis duel with rex raptor.
  • Correction:Actually thousand dragon attack points should be 2400 but they put 2500
  • Barrel Dragon can destroy up to three different monsters at a time, right? So when Thousand Dragon gets destroyed, why didn't Kieth get rid of Time Wizard too? Speaking of which, where is it during the rest of the duel?
  • Barrel Dragon cannot destroy Time Wizard, because in the original, it is not a monster card but a magic card.
  • During the course of Joey vs. Keith, Keith destroys two of Joey's face-down monsters. The first one is Battle Warrior, destroyed by Pendulum Machine. (in Part 1) The 2nd is Kojikocy, destroyed by Barrel Dragon.
  • Copycat is a monster card, but it was played as a trap card in this episode.
  • When Keith played Blast Sphere it's attacked was shown as 2900 but it's really supposed to be 1400.
  • Joey summoned REBD with in attack mode. Keith's Slot Machine was in attack mode with 2000 ATK points and no M/T cards. Why didn't Joey nuke the Slot Machine with Red-Eyes?
  • When the Red Eyes came back by Time Machine, Joey exclaims,"Now my Red Eyes' attack is higher than your Slot Machine's defense." and the Slot Machine was in attack mode!!
  • At the end, when yugi and joey were looking at each other, in joe's hand, you see a different card than glory of the king's hand, one with an outer spcae look and stars, like one of the soul cards.
  • About the "Slot Machine's Defense"- Joey said that because Shield and Sword was in effect. So, inherently, it was the Slot Machine's Defense, not Attack, that he had to beat, since the totals were reversed.
  • Near the end, they actually skip Joey's turn. Keith draws a 7 Completed, plays it and then uses that time bomb thing. Joey activates his Magic Card, but then Keith draws ANOTHER card, which means he skipped Joey's turn.
  • When Thousand Dragon attacked Keths rusty Barrel Dragon, Keith did't loose Life Points.
  • About Joey's turn being skipped, it actually wasn't. The Blast Sphere exploded on Joey's turn, Joey activated the magic card, and then he ended his turn.
  • Analysis

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