When Joey played the Red-Eyes Black D. he also played Copycat to copy Polymerization, but wait, can't you only play one monster at a time?
Copycat Copys one MONSTER and Graverobber Copys one MAGIC at the cost of 2000 lps. so his card effects would have to be inverted for the combo to work!
When Gaia the Fierce Knight attacks Joey's Giltia, Joey's Life Points go down to 1550, yet Giltia's ATK is 1950, meaning Joey's Life Points should have gone down to 1650
If Giltia's ATK is 1950, when he attacked Celtic Guardian how did Yugi's life points drop to 1550? They should have dropped to 1450
When Tea looks at Yugi and Joey down on the field, Joey still has a "Shield and sword" and a "Flame Swordsman" on the field
When Joey plays graverobberhe says he gets to take a monster from my opponet's Graveyard but when he played it in bandit keth he took a trap.
Correction: Giltia's ATK points are 1850.
Joey played Graverobber like a magic card, but it's a trap card.
When Yugi defeats Joey's Armored Lizard, if you look at Joey's hand after that, you can see the Armored Lizard.
Response: Maybe Joey has two Armoured Lizards in his deck.
Response: Joey said monster as an example because he was going to take a monster.