Kaiba vs. the Future (1)


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Episode Information
Episode Number93

Average Rating:10
Number of Votes Cast:2 
Episode Rank:10 
Kaiba begins his duel with Ishizu. He appears to have the upper hand, as she falls for the crush card and he iliminates eight of her magic cards from her deck. But Ishizu has seen the future, and claims she has seen Kaiba's defeat, and that Obelisk will be his downfall. She secretly is fighting to save her brother from Yami Malik, the evil spirit who has taken control of her brother ever since Lishto was knocked out in the duel with Joey. But as Kaiba feels he has got the game won, she reveals her strategy:
A card that switched the deck for the graveyard of both players. While her grave is very full of powerful monsters and magic cards, his grave only contains six cards. Can he win the duel in just six turns?
Joey: Man, that Kaiba sure has a heart of gold, eh?
Tristan: Yeah, he's a real Mother Teresa

Tristan: He sure is good with words. Very poetic, like a real-life Shakespere.
Joey: Yeah? Well, I have a few words for him...but I can''t say them, there's a lady present.

Goofs and Nitpicks
  • Sword Of Dagra's effect is that when the equipped monsters deals damage to the opponent's Life Points, the owner of Sword Of Dagra gains Life Points equal to the damage. But when Mudora destroyed Vorse Raider while equipped with that card, even though 100 damage was done to Kaiba, Ishizu didn't gain 100 Life Points
  • Analysis

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