The Rescue


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Episode Information
Episode Number74
First AiredJune 14, 2003

Average Rating:6.75
Number of Votes Cast:12 
Episode Rank:130 
While trying to find joey and tea, Kaiba and Yugi are having a talk about marik and yugi tells kaiba about the millenium rod and also about the other millenium items. Yami Yugi then tries to prove that the power and the soul trapping ability of pegasus came from the millenium eye and also explains about how he is a pharoah and is not really yugi. Then Yugi talks about how marik controls the rare hunters and other also talking about why marik wants yugi dead and wants the gods cards. Then the conversation goes to joey and as yugi supports him and tells kaiba about his success while kaiba insults joey.
Yami Yugi: My name is not Yugi, but Yami......

Kaiba: "Not Yugi? Then who are you..."
Yami: "I guess I'm the spirit of the Pharaoh."
Kaiba and Mokuba (very wide-eyed) "Pharaoh!?"

Kaiba: Yugi, do you expect me to believe in this magic garbage? I bet youstill believe in the Tooth Fairy

Kabia: I went to Ishizu too. But unlike you Yugi I didn't believe it.

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