The Mystery Duellist (1)


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Episode Information
Episode Number50
First AiredNovember 16, 2002

Average Rating:8.75
Number of Votes Cast:4 
Episode Rank:85 
When a mysterious fortune teller steals Yugi's Puzzle, he follows him to a warehouse where Yugi must duel the mysterious figure to win back his Puzzle. But as the duel begins, Yugi recognises his opponent's voice and eventually identifies him as Bandit Keith. However Keith has changed since Yugi last saw him and is now under the control of the mysterious group known as GURUS. And with Keith's new-found masters comes a new style of playing, one that even Yugi might not be able to beat.
  • Kids WB used the promo title "Dueling Alone" for this episode.
  • Quotes
    Yugi(thinking) Wait, only one person have used Machine cards. (Outloud) Why don't you reveal yourself BANDIT KEITH!!!!!

    (Tea, Joey and Tristan about to find Yugi)
    Soccer Coach: Where do you guys think you are going? You volunteer to help out on the game.
    Joey: We know, BUT Tea's cat is sick and we need to take him to a vet.
    Tea: ooooh, Poor Fluffy
    Coach: Ok, go take him to the vet.
    Joey and Tristan(crying): thanks coach, we will take the cat to the vet.
    (Then they took off)
    Coach: Rescue that cat!

    (From Japanese Version: )
    Yami: That suits you, aibou.
    Yugi:Really? I think it's too fancy.
    Yami:I don't think it's fancy enough. You should wear a braclet or something.
    Yugi:Eh? That's not my style!

    Goofs and Nitpicks
  • As Keith plays Zera Ritual, Yugi reminds him that he also needs the monster card in order to summon Zera. However on each occasion that Yugi has performed a ritual summon he has never mentioned this fact.
  • When Yugi and Bandit Keith were starting their duel, there was a shot of Bandit keith NOT fully hidden or hooded. OOPS!
  • Ok, this is weird, first they called the card he used in Weevils duel "MAGICAL MIST", then in Joeys duel "MAIKO:THE MAGICAL MIST" and now its just "MAKIO"
  • Yugi says he's never dueled without Yami before, but he dueled Rebecca alone.
  • When Yami Bakura found out that Yugis puzzle was stolen, he unzipped his coat, BUT when you see the coat, it has buttons. How could he unzip a coat with buttons??
  • Yugi plays Gaia and his Curse Of Dragon in the same turn. You're only allowed to play 1 monster per turn.
  • Actually, Bandit Keith ISN'T the only duellist to use machines. Tristan's Cyber Commander and the Paradox Brothers' Labyrinth Tank are machines, too.
  • When fusing monsters with Polymerization, you can offer them from your hand. That's what they always do in the show, even though they still appear on the field.
  • About the guy who said Yugi dueled without Yami when he battled Rebecca, That may be true, but their link was strong then and he was able to have contact with him if he needed to.
  • When you hear Malik's mind speaking, he says that Yugi may have defeated Bandit Keith at Duelist Kingdom, but he will be a much greater challenge. Yugi never beat Keith at the Duelist Kingdom. Joey did.
  • Last time Yugi played Makio,Summoned Skull had 3500 atk points not 3250.
  • Analysis

    Cultural References

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