Best of Friends, Best of Duelists (2)


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Episode Information
Episode Number34
First AiredSeptember 14, 2002

Average Rating:9.44
Number of Votes Cast:18 
Episode Rank:56 
Joey seems unstoppable with the Black Skull Dragon, but Yugi isn't about to go down. He plays the Dark Magician with Magical Hats. Joey then attacks an empty hat. Then Joey plays Gerusies in an attempt to lure Yugi into attacking but Yugi doesn't. Then Yugi plays a card hidden in another hat. Joey attacks and once again hits an empty hat. On his third try, Joey hits the hat with the Spell-Binding Circle and His Dragon's attack is lowered to 2500 while he switched Gerusies to defence. Then Yugi played the Book of Secret Arts to power up the Dark Magician to 2800, thus destroying Joey's dragon. But then Joey played Baby Dragon and another card face down. Yugi thought it was the Time Wizard, so he attacked. But it was Kunai with Chain and the Dark Magician was captured by Gerusies. Then, using the heart of the cards, Joey drew and played Time Wizard. The Time Roulette suceeded and a Thousand Dragon and Dark Sage were created. But the Thousand Dragon's attack was blocked by the magic effect of the Dark Sage, allowing Yugi to play any card in his deck during either player's turn! After using Mokiou Mist to shut-down Joey's attack, Yugi used Reborn the Monster to bring back the Black Skull Dragon, thus ending the duel. After, Yugi gave the three million dollars to Joey for his sister. Now it's time for Yugi to duel with Pegasus.
Tea:(Crying) "I'm just glad it's over. And I'm proud of them both. They dueled their bests but never once forgot their friendship."
Pegasus: "Well, touching as that may be, you should save your tears little girl. After all, you'll need them when I face Yugi in the arena."

Joey: (thinking) If he knows that I know then he knows what I know, and.... Ah I'm just gonna attack.

Joey: Hey, Yug. It's time to kiss the baby.

Goofs and Nitpicks
  • When Joey plays the Time Wizard, the Black Skull Dragon is still on the card panel even after it was destroyed.
  • The Time Wizard (in all duels) is played as a Magic card even though it is clearly a Monster.
  • yugi and joeys lp are tied at 1150 bt when yugi gets attacked his lp goes down to 1150!
  • yugi uses monster reborn on black skull dragon. he cant reborn a fused monster.
  • The monster reborn card can be used to resurect ANY monster that has been sent to the graveyard, fused or otherwise.
  • In Joey's flashback, he and Serenity have 4 fingers, not five.
  • It this episode, Thousand Dragon's attack is called Nauctious Nostril Gust, but in his duel with Mai, it's called Inferno Flame Breath.
  • At the end of the duel when Time Wizard uses it's attack, there's a commercial. But right before it, Yami looks really worried that he is about to get beaten when right after the commercial, Dark Magician turns into Dark Sage, and Yami acts as if he knew it was turning more powerful all along, and knows the effects of Dark Sage. Was it just to keep watchers in suspense?
  • Actually Yami did know the effect because he use to have time wizard but gave it to Joey and probably knew that combo.
  • when you see YU-Gi attacks Joey's Thousand dragon you see garoses in attack mode
  • Joey uses Time Wizards special effect succesfully against Yugi's Dark Magician but it turned into Dark Sage but it should have been destroyed.
  • Analysis

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