"I would call you a monster, but I don't want to insult the cards" -Yu-Gi-Oh
Kaiba: "That dragon's about to get sick, real sick."
Joey-"I always thought this duel might turn ugly, but I never thought THAT ugly!"
Yami Yugi:Consider this a message from the real Seto Kiaba
Yami Yugi:Blue eyes Obliderate
Actually, Yugi says, "Consider this a message from the REAL Seto Kaiba... YOU LOSE. Blue-Eyes White Dragon... OBLITERATE!!!"
Yami-(after he sends dark Kaiba to shadow relm)
"Peagasus! I sense you watching! Consider this a warning. Nothing you send against me will stop me,and when we finaly duel, believe me,victory will be mine! I will win back my grandfather's soul and you will pay for all the people you have hurt in your sick little game! I'm coming for you Pegasus!"
(Pegasus' wine glass cracks and bursts)
"Yugi, you have developed your shadow powers quite a bit,and in such a short time, but when we finnaly duel, believe ME, your Melinium puzzle will be mine!"
Last part of the japanese dialogue. This one starts right before Yami Yugi mind-crushed the clown...
Yami Yugi: You didn't only harm Kaiba's cards, but their souls. I won't forgive you! MIND-CRUSH!
Clown: (sent to shadow realm)
Yami Yugi:(in that dark fire form) Pegasus, I believe you can hear my scream! You use this fake guy to mock on Seto Kaiba. I wont forgive you. You better make it clear!
Pegasus: (wine glass breaks) *chuckle* I can feel the great dark power, Yugi boy. I am looking forward to the match against you. I hope the day of your destruction will come very, very soon
Clown: Don't tell me you want to resurrect my Blue-Eyes White Dragon.
Yami Yugi: You are mistaken. What i want to resurrect is KAIBA's card