Yugi and his friends are seeking for the Kaiba Brothers while Alcatraz is being destroyed in a few minutes. The other side, Battle Ship also has some problem that makes it unable to fly. Kaiba is thinking whatever Yugi told him about hate that caused him to be defeated. Also, he reminds himself that before he saw Kaiba Gonsaburo when he was young, he had had a dream and promise with Mokuba that he would create the greatest game world. At present he decides to follow his road again. Yugi and his friends change a plane from Battle Ship to carrier plane that first was called to take Joey to the hospital. After taking off, Alcatraz exploded. Suddenly, everybody notices that there is a Blue eyes White dragon Jet flying out. Surely, Kaiba is controlling it with Mokuba sitting behind. Kaiba says good bye and tells the others that he is going to America to make his dream come true. Then he flies off to America.
Every body is back at Domino port. Rishid, Malik and Isis also says good bye to Pharaoh before going back home. Besides, Duke tells his friends that he is going to America and keeping on playing his professional game, DDM. Also, Joey says good bye to Mai who is leaving. Everybody walks to his own road. Next day, Yugi knows that time has come. He takes Red Eyes Black Dragon and leaves home much early in the morning. He walks into Domino city to have the final duel of Battle City with Joey. For both of them, Battle City hasn't finished yet.