Kaiba is going to go search for Mokuba but tells Yugi and his friends that it's not there busness and to stay out. Tea gets in front of Kaiba's way and tells him: "Mokuba is our friend and we worry about our friends!"
Then Tristan's body apears behind them. Kaiba: "Then you should worry about him." and then he leaves. Tristan's body (which is being controlled by all the big five) chalenges Yugi to a duel. The STAKES: If Yugi wins they give Tristan's body back if he loses everyones body will become theirs!
Yugi accepts but Joey says that it's unfair to have a 5 against 1 duel so he wants to play too. The big five agree if they get 8000 life points and Joey and Yugi only get 4000.
When they are picking their cards again Joey picks Harpie Lady and many of Mai's cobonations to remember her.
The game begins with the Deep Sea worrior playing for the big five. The Deep sea worrior plays the field card Atlantis which lowers a star on every water card so if it was a 5 star monster it would be a four star so you could play it with out a sacrafice. The deep sea worrior plays The Legenday fisherman which hides under water. Yugi and Joey stick to playing defence for a while: Joey plays Alagator sword in Def and Yugi plays Gazzle the king of mythical beasts in def. When it gets back to the Deep sea worriors turn the big five start arguing again to let somone else take over for dueling so the Pengiun Nightmare takes over (he increases water monsters) and plays Catapult turtle in defence and has the legendary fisherman attack Gazzle the king of mithical beasts. On Joeys turn Joey plays Harpie Lady SB in attack mode and switches Alagator sword into attack mode and then plays a card face down. On Yugi's turn he plays the Mystical elf in defence.
On Penguin Nightmares turn they start arguing again but the Penguin gets another turn. The Penguin Nightmare plays a defence monster and has the Legendary fisherman attack the Mystical elf but Joey uses Cuni with Chain. Then Joey starts telling the penguin that "This isn't a duel all I hear is Yugi this Yugi that! What about me?" On Joey's Turn he plays Harpie's feather duster which gets rid of Atlantis! Then Joey has Harpie lady attack the legendary fisherman and Alagator sword attack his other defence which turns out to be the Magician of Faith! So the Penguin gets Atlantic back in his hand! On Yugi's turn Yugi plays Kuriboh in Defence and plays Card destruction sending Atlantic once again to the grave! Tea, Duke, Serenity, and Tristan-Monkey are standing there when Tea notices that Tristan is starting to sound like a monkey. Tristan gets very upset at this "Oh no I never noticed that, I'm turning into a monkey!!!"
While all this is going on Kaiba is walking around looking for Mokuba and Noah when he spots Kabia Land.