Arkana is certain that he will win the duel as he plays one card face-down. Yugi summons Gazelle the King of Mythical Beasts, hoping to direct damage Arkana. However, Arkana flips his face-down card, which can destroy monsters so that each player has same number of monsters on their sides. Since he doesn't have any monsters on the field, Yugi's two monsters are destroyed.
Arkana then plays a magic card, Dark Magic Curtain. It lets both players give up half of their Life Points in exchange to summon a high-level monster without having to sacrifice. Arkana gives up half of his life points (750) and summons another Dark Magician (obviously, he has more than one) and orders him to attack Yugi. It seems hopeless, but Yugi points out that Dark MAgic Curtain works for everyone, and plays his Dark Magician Girl (after giving up half of his Life Points 350). Dark Magician Girl only has 2000 ATK points and Arkana commands his male Dark Magician to attack the female one. What Arkana didn't realize was that Dark Magician Girl gets 300 extra points from each Dark Magician in the graveyard. Arkana still thinks that his Dark Magician should've won, but then he sees his own Dark Magician (the first one) behind the Dark Magician Girl. Yugi tells him that Dark Magician Girl gets the boost from Dark Magicians from the both Graveyards. Arkana loses, and the Dark Energy Disk is getting closer to him. Yugi unlocks himself and finds a Locator Card in the box as well. Arkana screams, but then he reveals that he has an extra key up in his sleeve. He takes it out, but his hand suddenly becomes frozen! Marik then sends Arkana's mind to the Shadow Realm. Yugi and Marik have a long talk. Marik says that he should have the Pharaoh's power. He explains that he needs the three Egyptian God Cards and the Millenium Puzzle to rule the world. Yugi asks him where the three cards are, and Marik tells him that he already has two of them and knows where to find the third one. Marik also tells Yugi that he'll send another one of his mind-slaves to Battle City to duel and defeat Yugi. He tells him to beware of the Quiet One (The Rare Hunter). Marik also says that the Quiet One will use an Egyptian God Card! Yugi's friends then bust the door and rush in to rescue Yugi. Meanwhile at his place, Marik tells his friend Odion (yet another Rare Hunter) to send the Quiet One to destroy Yugi Muto. Then... even worse... Marik takes off his cape... (Marik is naked when he takes off the cape) and says something weird about... how... he... willl... rulllllle... the... world...