Kaiba: "That sorcerer is a no-good, losing chump. How can you compare him to me?"
(Kaiba answers the phone, while vaguely watching Ishizu on TV)
Ishizu: "You know, you should really pay more attention to my press conference."
Kaiba: "How did you know I was watching that?"
Ishizu: Before this tournament is over, you will have to face your past.
Kaiba: (smiles) Hm. You know, I read that once in a fortune cookie.
Ishizu: Ancient Egyptains believed that the true path of one's life was pre-determinded, because history repeats itself through out the ages in a never ending circle, they would say it was not your choice to come here for it was destined that the two of us would meet.
Ishizu: Duel monsters is based on a 5,000-year-old game.....
Kaiba: Who cares?
Ishizu: Maxamillion Pegasus did, he fell in love with the game and re-invented it for modern time.
Chanters:"Magic power heed my cry release the monster trapped inside..."
Kaiba says, "The Rare Hunters will be drawn to us like vultures to a carcass..."
Kaiba: (to his driver; smiling) Leave the car running....this won't take long
Kaiba: (thinking) Hm.....one down, two more to go! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! (alhtough I don't see what is so funny)
(After Kaiba recivies Obelisk)
Kaiba:(Laughs to himself)What if I leave and never return it.What if I want to keep it forever...
Ishizu:...You will return the Card!