When Tristan is in the dungeons, he attacks the guard with a suit of armor's helmet. But when we look back at Tristan, he's still wearing his own. Where'd he get the second?
The guard says he doesn't like his job guarding Mokuba. As he says this he looks to his left to see Mokuba. But Mokuba was on his right!!
CORRECTION: I've never worn a knight armor suit but I'm sure it's pretty heavy and noisy. I'm sure the guard heard Triston's armor but thought that it was another guard wanting to chat with him. He could have been directing his comment to the "oncoming guard"
Yugi acts like he doesn't know about Pegasus's powers...but he's already duelled Pegasus once, and seen at least 2 people duel him by themselves already, right?
Correction: The real reason he looked in that direction was because in the Japanese version, he was polishing off his gun. He held it out in front of himself and turned his head to look at it. The only real goof is just the horrible dubbing.