Kaiba: "Those annoying creatures just keep coming!"
Yu-Gi-Oh: "You may have made the ultimate attack, but I have made an army of furry defenders."
the real quote is...
Yugi: "You may have made the ultimate attack monster, but I have created the ultimate defense. An ever-expanding army of furry protectors. They may not look like much, but they've stopped your dragon in its tracks. For now i go on the attack...)
Yami Yugi:Heart of the cards guide me
Yami Yugi:Lets finish this Kaiba
Yami Yugi: (After he sees what Kaiba is doing which is to suicide if Yugi orders the attack) KAIBA, I HAVE never back away from a duel and I won't start now, go, atack, CELTIC GUARDIAN!!!!!!!
It is actually
Kaiba: Surrender now, Yugi, unless you have the courage to unleash your attack.
Yami: KAIBA, I have never back away and I am not going to start now, go Celtic Guardian, attack!
Tea: No Yugi, you can do this, this isn't like you.
Yugi(thinking): She is right, I can't do this. (Outloud) STOP!!!!!!!!!
"Yeah, keep foolin' yourself, Kaiba! Yugi's twice the man you'll ever be!!" - Joey
Tea: He spared you! which is more than you deserve!......and what do you have, Seto Kaiba? At the end of the day what do you have? tell me! TELL ME!
Kaiba: errrrr, I have all that I need!
Kaiba: A Kuriboh? I'm surprised a real duelist keeps one in their deck!
Tea's whole speech:
Tea: I'm sorry about your grandpa, Yugi. But you couldn't hurt another person, not even to save him. He wouldn't want to be saved that way.
Kaiba: Then I guess he got what he wanted. If Yugi had done what needed to be done, he would be entering the castle and not me. He was too weak to follow through on his play.
Tea: He spared you! Kaiba, he showed you compassion, which is more than you deserve!
Kaiba: He lost the game.
Tea: The game? Yugi may have lost one lousy Duel Monster's game but at least he hasn't lost his heart. Not like you, Seto Kaiba. You've spent so much tikme with your machines that you've forgotten what being human's about! Yugi has a heart, Kaiba. Yugi has us- friends that will stand with him to the end no matter whether he wins or loses some lousy game. And what do you have, Seto Kaiba? What do you have at the end of the day? Tell me. Tell me!
Kaiba: I have all that I need!
Tea's Speech (Japanese Version)
Kaiba: You lost Yugi.
Tea: You're wrong. Yugi didn't lose.
Kaiba: What?
Tea: It's you who lost! You lost because you wanted to give up your most important card, your life card! You're always supposed to protect your life card, but you wanted to give it away and Yugi had to protect your's for you!
Yami Yugi:Heart of the cards guide me.
Yami Yugi:Lets finish this Kaiba!
That quote is actually said at the very end of Face Off Part 2