Air Battle Colosseum - Yugi vs. Kaiba (1)


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Episode Information
Episode Number129

Average Rating:10
Number of Votes Cast:3 
Episode Rank:7 
Yami and Kaiba face eachother at the dueling arena, with everyone watching from the medical room, trying to wake Joey up.

Afer a long talk over how they faced eachother in the past, they begin the duel. Both draw their god cards in theirfirst draw! Yami uses Lightforce sword to strike Obelisk, hoping to get the upper hand. However Kaiba plays a card that get's his Obelisk back, and Yami's God card!

But Yami play exchange and get's the Orisis(or Slyther) back.

Kaiba tells Yami he'll just destroy Slyther the old fashioned way. Who will get their God card out first?
Goofs and Nitpicks

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