Keith's Machinations (1)


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Episode Information
Episode Number31
First AiredSeptember 7, 2002

Average Rating:8.64
Number of Votes Cast:11 
Episode Rank:90 
Just as the duel between Joey and Bandit Keith is about to begin, Joey realizes that he doesn't have his qualification card. The refeer gives Joey five minutes to find the card. Joey searches his room for it, but, of course, he can't find the card because Keith stole it. Just as Joey's about to give up, Mai appears and gives Joey her qualification card, as he needs it more than she does. Joey returns to the area, and Bandit Keith wonders how Joey got the card. Keith starts of the duel by placing a monster facedown. Joey does the same. Keith flips face-up his Pendulum Machine (1750/2000) which destroys Joey's facedown Battle Warrior (700/1000). Joey summons Giltia The Magician Knight(1850/1500) and it attacks Keith's Machine, but the attack does nothing. Keith then reveals that his machine monsters are immune to magical attacks. Keith summons Launcher Spider (2200/2500) which destroys Giltia (JLP 1650). Joey plays Axe Raider in defence mode and ends his turn. Keith is about to play a card facedown, but he 'accidentally' drops it onto the field, revealing it to everyone. Keith then picks up the card and puts it facedown. He also plays another card facedown. Yugi feels it's a trap, but Joey summons Flame Swordsman (1800/1500) and powers it up with Salamandra (2500) and it attacks the facedown Zoa (2600/1900), but Keith activates the Magic Metal Force trap card, turning Zoa in Metal Zoa (3000/2300), making it immune to the Flame Swordsman's attack. On Keith's turn, he has Metal Zoa attack and destroy Flame Swordsman (JLP 1150). Joey places a card facedown and ends his turn. Keith plays Stop Defence to switch Axe Raider to attack mode. Metal Zoa attacks Axe Raider, but Joey activates the Spiked Pit trap. Metal Zoa falls into the pit, thus destroying it, and dealing 1/4 its attack power to Keith's Life Points (KLP 1250). Joey then summons Garoozis (1800/1500) in attack mode and it destroys the Pendulum Machine (KLP 1200). Joey also places a card facedown. Keith has Launcher Spider attack Garoozis, but Joey activates Kunai With Chain, ensnaring the Launcher Spider and increasing Garoozis' attack by 500 (2300). Garoozis then destroys Launcher Spider (KLP 1100). Tea says that she's never seen a duel when the Life Points were this close, but Keith vows to defeat Joey.
Mai-Here Joey. Take my card. I don't need it anymore.
Joey-Does this mean we're friends?

Keith loses the duel
Keith-He cheated! His qualifying card isn't his!
Joey-And how do you knoe that, Keith?

Keith: You should have seen the look on you face when you Flame Swordsman toasted himslef
Joey: Grrrr
Joey: You should have seen the look on YOUR face when Metalzoa fell into the Spiked Chasm.

Goofs and Nitpicks
  • When Keith uses Stop Defence, the card is only active for one turn. The version of Stop Defence used in previous duels is actually known as Defence Paralysis and works for the rest of the duel.
  • When Joey and Keith's life points are shown, Joey has the Flame Swordsman instead of the Axe Raider.
  • Joey also uses Giltia the Knight, also a fusion card, as a normal monsters without any fusion.
  • When Joey and Bandit Keith are drawing their cards, Mai's hand can be seen drawing instead of Bandit Keith.
  • Joey said he summoned Giltia The Knight, but he's really Giltia The Dark Knight!
  • Actually, it can't be Giltia the Dark Knight because Giltia is a light monster, then the "D" would have to stand for something else.
  • Well, Dark Witch is a light monster too.
  • correction: there are alot of times where certain cards have certain advantages even though it is not true.Examples of that are, mai's harpy lady is immune to land monster attacks, the battle ox was immune to fire types, and this of course
  • CONCERNING GILTIA: it is Giltia the Dragon Knight
  • About machines and magic: Machines aren't immune to magic even on the show. After all, it was the Dark Magician that reduced the Labyrinth Tank to scrap metal-using magic-in the duel with the Paradox Brothers, and the LT is a machine.
  • About Stop Defence, Bones did actually play it in that duel, and it had the same effect as what Keith played. Bones just was probably taunting Joey and would activate it as soon as Joey defended again.
  • Concerning Giltia: It's not Dragon Knight, it's DARK knight!
  • It is DARK KNIGHT because when Joey dueled Espa Roba in a later episode, he said "Go Giltia the DARK Knight!"
  • Correction: Keith said, "All MY machine monsters are immune to magic." This does not neccesarily mean that ALL machine monsters are immune to magic. And do keep in mind that no other duellist in the show has used any duplicates of Keith's machine monsters so it would make sense that other machines (eg Labyrinth Tank) would succumb to magic.
  • Near the end of the show, Joey was 50 Life Points ahead of Keith and someone said that they'd never seen the Life Points so close. But the person who said that saw Yugi's duel against Kaiba and at one point during that duel the Life Points were the same.
  • Analysis

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